
Batch Variation in Natural Skincare

If you’re a fan of natural skincare, you might notice that your products sometimes like to keep things interesting! Maybe the colour isn’t quite the same shade as last time, or the scent isn’t as sweet. This is called …

‘Superfoods’: Feeding Your Skin

As the saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’, so it is understandable to want to ‘feed your skin’ in the same way as the rest of your body. It is now a common trend for natural skincare brands …

Australian Native Flora: The Homegrown Heroes

The Australian landscape is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and diverse; but it is also exposed to some of the harshest conditions on the planet. Exposure to these extremes have over time allowed our native flora to develop …

Vegan & Cruelty Free Skincare

Through the massive growth of veganism has come a transformation within the skincare industry; eco-conscious consumers also want to be provided with cruelty free and plant-based beauty alternatives that do not cause any harm to animals or the planet.

Let’s …

How to Design a Skincare Product

Are you new to the skincare industry and want to design your own skincare range, but don’t know where to start? If you feel confused by different ingredients, and their benefits and don’t know how to create your product, …

Plyusy natural'noy kosmetiki Kosmetika s natural'nym sostavom otlichno pitayet, uvlazhnyayet i zashchishchayet kozhu ot vrednogo ul'trafioletovogo vozdeystviya, a takzhe pomogayet spravit'sya s pervymi priznakami stareniya. Prirodnyye komponenty, vkhodyashchiye v sostav natural'noy kosmetiki, pomogayut kozhe spravlyat'sya s samymi raznoobraznymi problemami. Eta kosmetika ideal'naya dlya lyubogo tipa kozhi i ne imeyet vozrastnykh ogranicheniy. Yeshche yeye vazhnoye otlichiye to, chto ona ne vyzyvayet privykaniya. Myagkoye vozdeystviye organicheskikh veshchestv ne narushayet kislotno-shchelochnoy balans. Ochen' vazhno, chto natural'naya kosmetika spravlyayetsya s problemoy iznutri, a ne dayet lish' kratkosrochnyy poverkhnostnyy rezul'tat. Da i yeye vozdeystviye na kozhu boleye myagkoye po sravneniyu s sinteticheskimi produktami. Minusy natural'noy kosmetiki Ne stoit zabyvat' o tom, chto natural'nyye komponenty, soderzhashchiyesya v sostave, yavlyayutsya prirodnymi allergenami. Obladatelyam chuvstvitel'noy kozhi pered primeneniyem sleduyet prokonsul'tirovat'sya so spetsialistom, libo sdelat' test na chuvstvitel'nost'. Yeshche odin minus, yesli mozhno yego tak nazvat' – eto dostatochno vysokaya tsena i kratkosrochnyy srok godnosti, da i khranitsya ona v bol'shinstve sluchayev v kholodil'nike. Kak i lyubaya drugaya kosmetika, natural'naya s odnimi problemami spravlyayetsya na ura, a s drugimi mozhet byt' meneye effektivna. Yeye natural'nyy sostav ne garantiruyet resheniye vsekh dermatologicheskikh problem. Ещё 1 395 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Benefits of natural cosmetics

Benefits of Natural Cosmetics

Cosmetics with a natural composition perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin from harmful UV exposure, and also helps to cope with the first signs of aging.

The natural ingredients that make up natural cosmetics help the skin cope with …